Astrahan M.M., Blasgen M.W., Chamberlin D.D., Eswaran K.P., Griffits P.P., King W., Lorie R.A., McJones P., Mehl J.W., Putzolu G.R., Traiger I.L., Wade B.W., Watson V. System R: A Relational Approach to Data Base Management // ACM Trans. Database Syst.- 1976.- 1, N 2.- C. 97-137 Blasgen M.W., Eswaran K.P. Storage and Access in Relational Data Bases // IBM Syst. J.- 1977.- 16, N 4.- C. 363-377 Lorie R.A., Nilsson J.F. An Access Specification Language for a Relatiomal Data Base System // IBM J. Res. and Dev.- 1979.- 23, N 3.- C. 1-13 Selinger P.G., Astrahan M.M., Chamberlin D.D., Lorie R.A., Price T.G. Acess Path Selection in a Relational Database Management System // Proc. ACM SIGMOD Int. Conf. Manag. Data, Boston, Mass., May 30 - June 1, 1979. New York, 1979.- C. 23-34 Whang K.-Y. Constructing Cost Formulas for Relational Database Query Optimizers: A Tutorial // TENCON'87: IEEE Reg. 10th Conf., Seoul, Aug. 25-28, 1987. Proc. Vol. 1. New York, 1987.- C. 132-141 Astrahan M.M., Schkolnick M., Kim W. Performance of the System R Acess Selection Mechanism // Inf. Process., 80. Proc. IFIP World Comput. Congr., Melbourne, Sept. 1980. Amsterdam e.a., 1980.- C. 487-492 Chamberlin D.D., Astrahan M.M., Blasgen M.W., Gray J.N., King W.F., Lindsay B.G., Lorie L.A., Mehl J.W., Price T.G., Putzolu G.R., Selinger P.G., Schkolnick M., Slutz D.R., Traiger I.L., Wade B.W., Yost R.A. A History and Evaluation of System R // Commun. ACM.- 1982.- 24, N 10.- C. 632-646 Cheng J.M., Loosley C.R., Shibamiya A., Worthington P.S. IBM Database 2 Performance: Design, Implementation, and Tuning // IBM Syst. J.- 1984.- 23, N 2.- C. 189-210 Stonebraker M. Implementation of Integrity Constraints and Views by Query Modification // Proc. ACM SIGMOD Int. Conf. Manag. Data, San Jose, Calif., May 23-26, 1975. New York, 1975.- C. 65-78 Wong E., Youssefi K. Decomposition - A Strategy for Query Processing // ACM Trans. Database Syst.- 1976.- 1, N 3.C. 223-241 Stonebraker M.R., Wong E., Kreps P., Held G. The Design and Implementation of INGRES // ACM Trans.
Database Syst.- 1976.- 1, N 2.- C. 189-222 Hawthorn P., Stonebraker M.R. Performance Analisys of Relational Data Base Management System // Proc. ACM SIGMOD Int. Conf. Manag. Data, Boston, Mass., May 30 - June 1, 1979. New York, 1979.- C. 1-12 Kooi R., Frankforth D. Query Optimization in INGRES // IEEE Database Eng. Bull.- 1982.- 5, N 3.- C. 2-5 Stonebraker M., Woodfil L., Ranstrom J., Murphy M., Meyer M., Allman E. Performance Enhancements to a Relational Database System // ACM Trans. Database Syst.- 1983.- 8, N 2.C. 189-222 Rowe L.A., Stonebraker M. The Commercial INGRES Epilogue // The INGRES Papers: The Anatomy of a Relational Database Management System. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley.1985.- C. 121-128 Дейт К. Введение в системы баз данных.- М.: Наука.1980.- 463 c. Ульман Д. Основы систем баз данных.- М.: Финансы и статистика.- 1983.- 335 c. Мейер Д. Теория реляционных баз данных.- М.: Мир.1987.- 608 c. Date C.J. An Introduction to Database Systems. V.1. 4th ed.- Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley.- 1984.- 639 c. Jarke M., Koch J. Query Optimization in Database Systems // ACM Comput. Surv.- 1984.- 16, N 2.- C. 111-152 Rothnie J.B. An Approach to Implementing a Relational Data Management System // Proc. ACM SIGMOD Workshop on Data Descr., Acc. and Contr., Ann Arbol, Mich., May 1974. New York, 1974.- C. 133-140 Rothnie J.R. Evaluating Inter-Entry Retrieval Expressions in a Relational Data Base Management System // AFIPS Conf. Proc.: Nat. Comput. Conf., Anaheim, Calif., May 1975. Montvale, N.Y., 1975.- C. 152-159 Smith J.M., Chang P.Y.-T. Optimizing the Performance of a Relational Algebra Database Interface // Commun.- 1975.18, N 10.- C. 568-579 Aho A.V., Sagiv Y., Ullman J.D. Equivalence of Relational Expressions // SIAM J. Comput.- 1979.- 8, N 2.- C. 218-246 Chandra A.K., Merlin P.M. Optimal Implementation of Conjuctive Queries in Relational Databases // Proc. 9th Ann. ACM Symp. Theory of Comput., New York, May 1976. New York, 1976.- C. 77-90 Motzkin D. Database Performance Optimization // AFIPS Conf.
Proc.: Nat. Comput. Conf., Chicago, Ill., July 15-18, 1985. Reston, Virg., 1985.- C. 555, 557-566 Bell D.A. Issues in Relational Database Performance // Data and Knowledge Eng.- 1988.- 3, N 1.- C. 46-61 Bloom B.H. Space/Time Trade-offs in Hash Coding with Allowable Errors // Commun. ACM.- 1970.- 13, N 7.- C. 422-426 Gotlieb L.R. Computing Joins of Relations // Proc. ACM SIGMOD Int. Conf. Manag. Data, San Jose, Calif., May 14-16, 1975. New York, 1975.- C. 55-63 Kim W. A New Way to Compute the Product and Join of Relations // Proc. ACM SIGMOD Int. Conf. Manag. Data, New Work, May 1980. New York, 1980.- C. 178-187 Merrett T.H. Why Sort/Merge Gives the Best Implementation of the Natural Join // ACM SIGMOD Record.1983.- 13, N 2, C. 40-51 DeWitt D.J., Katz R.H., Olken F., Shapiro L.D., Stonebraker M.R., Wood D. Implementation Techniques for Main Memory Database Systems // Proc. ACM SIGMOD Int. Conf. Manag. Data, Boston, Mass., June 18-21, 1984. New York, 1984.- C. 1-8 DeWitt D., Gerber R. Multiprocessor Hash-Based Join Algorithms // Proc. 11th Int. Conf. Very Large Data Bases, Stockholm, Sweden, Aug. 1985. Palo Alto, Calif., 1985.- C. 151-164 Abitboul S., Scholl M., Gardarin G., Simon E. Towards DBMSs for Supporting New Applications // Proc. 12th Int. Conf. Very Large Data Bases, Kyoto, Japan, Aug. 25-28, 1986. Los Altos, Calif., 1986.- C. 423-435 Fang M.T., Lee R.C.T., Chang C.C. The Idea of De-Clustering and Its Applications // Proc. 12th Int. Conf. Very Large Data Bases, Kyoto, Japan, Aug. 25-28, 1986. Los Altos, Calif., 1986.- C. 181-188 Thom J.A., Ramamohanarao K., Naish L. A Superjoin Algorithm for Deductive Databases // Proc. 12th Int. Conf. Very Large Data Bases, Kyoto, Japan, Aug. 25-28, 1986. Los Altos, Calif., 1986.- C. 189-196 Hsu M., Yang W.-P. Concurrent Operations in Extendible Hashing // Proc. 12th Int. Conf. Very Large Data Bases, Kyoto, Japan, Aug. 25-28, 1986. Los Altos, Calif., 1986.- C. 241-247 Valduriez P. Join Indeces // ACM Trans. Database Syst.- 1987.- 12, N 2.- C. 218-246 Jarke M., Koch J.
Range Nesting: A Fast Method to Evaluate Quantified Queries // Proc. ACM SIGMOD Int. Conf. Manag. Data, San Jose, Calif., May 23-26, 1983. New York, 1983.- C. 198-206 Makinouchi A., Tezuka M., Kitakami H., Adachi S. The Optimization Strategy for Query Evaluation in RDB/V1 // Proc. 7th Int. Conf. Very Large Data Bases, Cannes, France, Sept. 3-11, 1981. New York, 1981.- C. 518-529 Bergamaschi S., Scales M.R. Choice of the Optimal Number of Blocks for Data Access by an Index // Inf. Syst.1986.- 11, N 3.- C. 199-209 Yu C.T., Jiang T.M. Adaptive Algorithms for Balanced Multidimensional Clustering // Proc. 4th Int. Conf. Data Eng., Los Angeles, Calif., Feb. 1988. Washington, D.C., 1988.- C. 386-391 Cheiney J.-P., Kierman G. A Functional Clustering Method for Optimal Access to Complex Domains in a Relational DBMS // Proc. 4th Int. Conf. Data Eng., Los Angeles, Calif., Feb. 1988. Washington, D.C., 1988.- C. 394-401 Bell D.A., McErlean F.J., Stewart P.M., Arbuckle W.A. Clustering Related Tuples in Databases // Comput. J.- 1988.31, N 3.- C. 253-257 Grazzini E., Pinzani R., Pippolini F. A Physical Structure for Efficient Processing of Relational Queries // Found. Data Organ. Proc. Int. Conf., Kyoto, May 22-24, 1985. New York; London, 1987.- C. 501-514 Astrahan M.M., Schkolnick M., Whang K.Y. Counting Unique Values of an Attribute without Sorting // Inf. Syst.1987.- 12, N 1.- C. 11-16 Pramanik S., Fotouhi F. Optimizing the Cost of Relational Queries Using Partial Relation Schemes // Inf. Syst.- 1988.- 13, N 1.- C. 71-79 Ullmann J.R. Fast Implementation of Relational Operations Via Inverse Projections // Comput. J.- 1988.- 31, N 2.- C. 147-154 Desai B.C., Goyal P., Sardi F. Composite Index in DDBMS // J. of Syst. and Software.- 1988.- 8, N 2.- C. 105-120 Youssefi K., Wong E. Query Processing in a Relational Database Management System // Proc. 5th Int. Conf. Very Large Data Bases, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, Oct. 3-5, 1979. New York, 1979.- C. 409-417 Palermo F.P. A Data Base Search Problem // Inf.
Syst.: COINS IV. New York: Plenum Press, 1974.- C. 67-101 Pecherer R.M. Efficient Evaluation of Expressions in a Relational Algebra // Proc. ACM Pacific Reg. Conf., New York, Apr. 1975. New York, 1975.- C. 44-49 Hall P.A.V. Optimization of a Single Relational Expression in a Relational Data Base System // IBM J. of Res. and Dev.- 1976.- 20, N 3.- C. 244-257 Yao S.B. Optimization of Query Evaluation Algorithms // ACM Trans. Database Syst.- 1979.- 4, N 2.- C. 133-155 Aho A.V., Sagiv Y., Ullman J.D. Efficient Optimization of a Class of Relational Expressions // ACM Trans. Database Syst.- 1979.- 4, N 4.- C. 435-454 Sagiv Y., Yannakakis M. Equivalences Among Relational Expressions with Union and Difference Operators // J. ACM.1980.- 27, N 4.- C. 633-655 Kim W. On Optimizing an SQL-Like Nested Query // ACM Trans. Database Syst.- 1982.- 7, N 3.- C. 443-469 Rosenthal A., Reiner D. An Architecture for Query Optimization // Proc. ACM SIGMOD Int. Conf. Manag. Data, Orlando, Fl., June 2-4, 1982. New York, 1982.- C. 246-255 IEEE Database Eng.- 1982.- 5, N 3: Special Issue on Query Optimization West V. An Optimizer for a Relational Database Command Language // Software: Pract. and Exper.- 1983.- 13, N 11.- C. 1005-1012 Talbot S. An Invistigation into Optimization of Relational Query Languages // Comput. J.- 1984.- 27, N 4.- C. 301-309 Hiyoshi S., Mizuma M., Watanabe M. Hierarchical Optimization Strategy for Query Evaluation // NEC Res. and Dev.- 1984.- N 12.- 48-55 Ceri S., Gottlob G. Translating SQL into Relational Algebra: Optimization, Semantics, and Equivalence of SQL Queries // IEEE Trans. on Software Eng.- 1985.- 11, N 4.324-345 Ganski R.A., Wong H.K.T. Optimization of Nested SQL Queries Rivisited // Proc. ACM SIGMOD Int. Conf. Manag. Data, San Francisco, Calif., May 1987. New Work, 1987.- C. 23-33 Dayal U. Of Nests and Trees: A Unified Approach to Processing Queries That Contain Nested Subqueries, Aggregates, and Quantifiers // Proc. 13th Int. Conf. Very Large Data Bases, Brington, England, Sept. 1987.
Los Altos, Calif., 1987.- C. 197-208 Freytag J.C., Goodman N. Translating Aggregate Queries into Iterative Programs // Proc. 12th Int. Conf. Very Large Data Bases, Kyoto, Japan, Aug. 1986. Los Altos, Calif., 1986.- C. 138-146 Bultzingsloewen G. Translating and Optimizing SQL Queries Having Aggregates // Proc. 13th Int. Conf. Very Large Data Bases, Brington, England, Sept. 1987. Los Altos, Calif., 1987.- C. 235-244 Subieta K., Rzeczkowski W. Query Optimization by Stored Queries // Proc. 13th Int. Conf. Very Large Data Bases, Brington, England, Sept. 1987. Los Altos, Calif., 1987.- C. 369-380 Rzeczkowski W., Subieta K. Stored Queries - A Data Organization for Query Optimization // Data and Knowledge Eng.- 1988.- 3, N 1.- C. 29-48 Warren D.H.D. Efficient Processing of Interactive Relational Database Queries Expressed in Logic // Proc. 7th Int. Conf. Very Large Data Bases, Cannes, France, Sept. 3-11, 1981. New York, 1981.- C. 345-352 Krishnamurthy R., Boyal H., Zaniolo C. Optimization of Nonrecursive Queries // Proc. 12th Int. Conf. Very Large Data Bases, Kyoto, Japan, Aug. 1986. Los Altos, Calif., 1986.C. 128-137 Ceri S., Gottlob G., Lavazza L. Translation and Optimization of Logic Queries: The Algebraic Approach // Proc. 12th Int. Conf. Very Large Data Bases, Kyoto, Japan, Aug. 1986. Los Altos, Calif., 1986.- C. 395-402 Yao S.B. An Attribute Based Model for Database Access Cost Analyses // ACM Trans. Database Syst.- 1977.- 2, N 1.- C. 45-67 Yao S.B. Approximating Block Acess in Database Organizations // Commun. ACM.- 1977.- 20, N 4.- C. 260-261 Stockmeyer L.H., Wong C.K. On the Number of Comparisons to Find the Intersection of Two Relations // SIAM J. of Comput.- 1979.- 8, N 3.- C. 388-404 Demolombe R. Estimation of the Number of Tuples Satisfying a Query Expressed in Preducate Calculus Language // Proc. 6th Int. Conf. Very Large Data Bases, Montreal, Oct. 1980. New York, 1980.- C. 55-63 Whang K., Wiederhold G., Sagalowicz D. Estimating Block Accesses in Database Organizations - A Closed Noniterative Formula // Commun.
ACM.- 1983.- 26, N 11.- C. 940-944 Luk W.S. On Estimating Block Accesses in Database Organization // Commun. ACM.- 1983.- 26, N 11.- C. 945-947 Zahorjan J., Bell B.J., Sevcik K.C. Estimating Block Transfers When Record Access Probabilities Are Non-Uniform // Inf. Process. Lett.- 1983.- 16, N 5.- C. 249-252 Christodoulakis S. Estimating Record Selectivities // Inf. Syst.- 1983.- 8, N 2.- C. 105-115 Christodoulakis S. Estimating Block Selectivities // Inf. Syst.- 1984.- 9, N 1.- C. 69-79 Christodoulakis S. Implication of Certain Assumtions in Database Performance Evaluation // ACM Trans. Database Syst.- 1984.- 9, N 2.- C. 163-186 Piatetski-Shapiro G., Connel C. Accurate Estimation of the Number of Tuples Satisfying a Condition // ACM SIGMOD Record.- 1984.- 19, N 2.- C. 256-276 Faloutsos C., Christodoulakis S. Design of a Signature File Method that Accounts for Non-Uniform Occurrance and Query Frequencies // Proc. 11th Int. Conf. Very Large Data Bases, Stockholm, Sweden, Aug. 1985. Los Altos, Calif., 1985.C. 165-170 Vander Zanden B.T., Taylor H.M., Bitton D. Estimating Block Accesses When Attributes Are Correlated // Proc. 12th Int.Conf. Very Large Data Bases, Kyoto, Japan, Aug. 1986. Los Altos, Calif., 1986.- C. 119-127 Hagmann R.B. An Observation on Database Buffering Performance Metrics // Proc. 12th Int.Conf. Very Large Data Bases, Kyoto, Japan, Aug. 1986. Los Altos, Calif., 1986.- C. 289-293 Kiessling W. Access Path Selection in Databases with Intelligent Disc Subsystems // Comput. J.- 1988.- 31, N 1.- C. 41-50 Rowe N.C. Absolute Bounds on Set Intersection and Union Sizes from Distribution Information // IEEE Trans. Software Eng.- 1988.- 14, N 7.- C. 1033-1048 Lynch C. Selectivity Estimation and Query Optimization in Large Databases with Highly Skewed Distributions of Column Values // Proc. 14th Int. Conf. Very Large Data Bases, Los Angeles, Ca, Aug.-Sept. 1988. Los Altos, Calif., 1988.- C. 240-251 Stonebraker M., Neuhold E. A Distributed Data Base Version of INGRES // Proc. 2nd Berkley Workshop Distrib.
Data Manag. and Comput. Networks, Berkley, Calif., May 1977. Berkley, Calif., 1977.- C. 19-36 Lohman G.M., Daniels D., Haas L.M., Kistler R., Selinger P.G. Optimization of Nested Queries in a Distributed Relational Database // Proc. 10th Int. Conf. Very Large Data Bases, Singapore, Aug. 27-31, 1984. New York, 1984.- C. 403-415 Lohman G.M., Mohan C., Haas L.M., Lindsay B.G., Selinger P.G., Wilms P.F., Daniels D. Query Processing in R* // Query Processing in Database Systems. New York: Springer.1985.- C. 31-47 Lu H., Carey M. Some Experimental Results on Distributed Join Algorithms in a Local Network // Proc. 11th Int. Conf. Very Large Databases, Stockholm, Sweden, Aug. 1985. Los Altos, Calif., 1985.- C. 425- 432 Mackert L., Lohman G. R* Optimizer Validation and Performance Evaluation for Local Queries // Proc. ACM SIGMOD Int. Conf. Manag. Data, Washington, D.C., May 28-30, 1986. New York, 1986.- C. 173-180 Mackert L., Lohman G. R* Optimizer Validation and Performance Evaluation for Distributed Queries // Proc. 12th Int. Conf. Very Large Data Bases, Kyoto, Japan, Aug. 1986. Los Altos, Calif., 1986.- C. 149-159 Ceri S., Gottlob G. Optimizing Joins Between Two Partitioned Relations in Distributed Databases // J. Parall. and Distrib. Comput.- 1986.- 3, N 2.- C. 183-205 Segev A. Optimization of Join Operations in Horizontally Partitioned Database Systems // ACM Trans. Database Syst.- 1986.- 11, N 1.- C. 48-80 Chen J.S.J., Li V.O.K. Optimizing Joins in Fragmented Database Systems on a Broadcast Computer Networks // 7th Int. Conf. Distrib. Comput. Syst., Berlin, Sept. 21-25, 1987. Washington, D.C., 1987.- C. 338-345 Cornell D.W., Yu P.S. A Vertical Partitioning Algorithm for Relational Databases // 3rd Int. Conf. Data Eng., Los Angeles, Ca, Febr. 3-5, 1987. Proc. Washington, D.C., 1987.- C. 30-35 Otoo E.J., Santoro N., Rotem D. Improving Semi-Join Evaluation in Distributed Query Processing // 7th Int. Conf. Distrib. Comput. Syst., Berlin, Sept. 21-25, 1987. Washington, D.C., 1987.- C. 554-561 Yu C.T., Gun K.-C., Zhang W., Templeton M., Brill D., Chen A.L.P.
Algorithms to Process Distributed Queries in Fast Local Networks // IEEE Trans. Comput.- 1987.- 36, N 10.C. 1153-1164 Bodorik P., Riordon J.S. Distributed Query Processing Optimization Objectives // 4th Int. Conf. Data Eng., West Berlin, Sept. 13-15, 1988. New York, 1988.- C. 320-329 Lee M., Freytag J., Lohman G. Implementing an Interpreter for Functional Rules in a Query Optimizers // Proc. 14th Int. Conf. Very Large Data Bases, Los Angeles, Calif., Aug.-Sept. 1988. Los Altos, Calif., 1988.- C. 218-229 Jhingram A. A Performance Study of Query Optimization Algorithms on a Database System Supporting Procedural Objects // Proc. 14th Int. Conf. Very Large Data Bases, Los Angeles, Calif., Aug.-Sept. 1988. Los Altos, Calif., 1988.- C. 88-99 Rosental A., Helman P. Understanding and Extending Transformation-Based Optimizers // IEEE Database Eng.- 1986.9, N 4.- C. 44-51 Batory D.S. Extensible Cost Models and Query Optimization in GENESIS // IEEE Database Eng.- 1987.- 10, N 4. - C. 27-34 Graefe G., DeWitt D.J. The EXODUS Optimizer Generator // Proc. ACM SIGMOD Int. Conf. Manag. Data, San Francisco, Calif., May 1987. New York, 1987.- C. 160-172 Freytag J.C. A Rule-Based View of Query Optimization // Proc. ACM SIGMOD Int. Conf. Manag. Data, San Francisco, Calif., May 1987. New York, 1987.- C. 173-180 Shan M.C. Optimal Plan Search in a Rule-Base Query Optimizer // Lect. Notes Comput. Sci.- 1988.- 303, C. 92-112 Finkelstein S. Common Expression Analysis in Database Applications // Proc. ACM SIGMOD Int. Conf. Manag. Data, Orlando, Fl, June 2-4, 1982. New York, 1982.- C. 127-133 Jarke M. Common Subexpression Isolation in Multiple Query Optimization // Query Processing in Database Systems. New York: Springer.- 1985.- C. 191-205 Kim W. Global Optimization of Relational Queries: A First Step // Query Processing in Database Systems. New York: Springer.- 1985.- C. 206-216 Whang K.-Y. Index Selection in Relational Databases // Found. Data Organ. Proc. Int. Conf., Kyoto, Japan, May 22-24, 1985.
New York; London, 1987.- C. 487-500 Satoh K., Tsuchida M., Nakamura F., Oomachi K. Local and Global Query Optimization Mechanisms for Relational Databases // Proc. 11th Int. Conf. Very Large Databases, Stockholm, Sweden, Aug. 1985. Los Altos, Calif., 1985.- C. 405-417 Sellis T. Global Query Optimization // Proc. ACM SIGMOD Int. Conf. Manag. Data, Washington, D.C., May 28-30, 1986. New York, 1986.- C. 191-205 Chacravarthy U.S., Minker J. Multiple Query Processing in Deductive Databases Using Query Graphs // Proc. 12th Int. Conf. Very Large Data Bases, Kyoto, Japan, Aug. 1986. Los Altos, Calif., 1986.- C. 384-394 Sellis T. Multiple-Query Optimization // ACM Trans. Database Syst.- 1988.- 13, N 1.- C. 23-52 Finkelstein S., Schkolnick M., Tiberio P. Physical Database Design for Relational Databases // ACM Trans. Database Syst.- 1988.- 13, N 1.- C. 91-128 Miyao J., Tominaga K., Kikuno T., Yoshida N. Optimization of Multiple Queries in Relational Database Systems // Syst. and Comput. in Japan.- 1988.- 19, N 4.- C. 56-65 Park J., Segev A. Using Common Subexpressions to Optimize Multiple Queries // 4th Int. Conf. Data Eng., West Berlin, Sept. 13-15, 1988. New York, 1988.- C. 311-319 Rosental A., Chakravarthy U. Anatomy of a Modular Multiple Query Optimizer // Proc. 14th Int. Conf. Very Large Data Bases, Los Angeles, Calif., Aug.-Sept. 1988. Los Altos, Calif., 1988.- C. 230-239 King J.J. QUIST: A System for Semantic Query Optimization in Relational Databases // Proc. 7th Int. Conf. Very Large Data Bases, Cannes, France, Sept. 3-11, 1981. New York, 1981.- C. 510-517 Chakravarthy U.S., Fishman D.H., Minker J. Semantic Query Optimization in Expert Systems and Database Systems // Expert Database Syst.: Proc. 1st Int. Workshop, Menlo Park, Calif., Feb. 1986. New York, 1986.- C. 326-341 Chacravarthy U.S., Grant J., Minker J. Semantic Query Optimization: Additional Constraints // Proc. 1st Int. Conf. Expert Database Syst., Charleston, S.C., Apr. 1986. New York, 1986.- C. 259-270 Shenoy S.T., Ozsoyoglu Z.M.A System for Senantic Query Optimization // Proc. ACM SIGMOD Int. Conf. Manag. Data, San Francisco, Calif., May 1987. New York, 1987.- C. 181-195 Sherhar S., Strivastava J., Dutta S. A Formal Model of Trade-off between Optimization and Execution Costs in Semantic Query Optimization // Proc. 14th Int. Conf. Very Large Data Bases, Los Angeles, Calif., Aug.-Sept. 1988. Los Altos, Calif., 1988.- C. 457-467 Lee S., Han J. Semantic Query Optimization in Recursive Databases 4th Int. Conf. Data Eng., West Berlin, Sept. 13-15, 1988. New York, 1988.- C. 444-451 Кузнецов С.Д. Развитие идей и приложений реляционной СУБД System R. В этом сборнике.
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